8747. The man who has been regenerated is in heaven as to his internal man, and is an angel there with angels, among whom also he comes after death. He can then live the life of heaven, love the Lord, love the neighbor, understand truth, relish good, and perceive blessedness therefrom. These things are the happiness of eternal life.
1. In the third month of the going forth of the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt, in this day they came into the wilderness of Sinai.
2. And they journeyed from Rephidim, and came into the wilderness of Sinai, and encamped in the wilderness; and there Israel encamped close to the mountain.
3. And Moses went up unto God, and Jehovah called unto him from the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and declare to the sons of Israel:
4. Ye have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto Me.
5. And now, if hearing ye shall hear My voice, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be Mine own possession above all peoples; for all the earth is Mine:
6. And ye shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the sons of Israel.
7. And Moses came and called the elders of the people, and set before them all these words which Jehovah commanded him.
8. And all the people answered together, and said, All that Jehovah hath spoken we will do. And Moses reported the words of the people unto Jehovah.
9. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold I come unto thee in the density of the cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and may also believe in thee to eternity; and Moses declared the words of the people unto Jehovah.
10. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments.
11. And let them be ready against the third day, because in the third day Jehovah will come down unto the eyes of all the people upon Mount Sinai.
12. And thou shalt set bounds to the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mountain, or touch the extremity of it; everyone that toucheth the mountain, dying he shall die:
13. No hand shall touch it, because stoning he shall be stoned, or shooting he shall be shot; if a beast, if a man, he shall not live; when the jobel is drawn out, they shall come up into the mountain.
14. And Moses went down from the mountain unto the people, and sanctified the people, and they washed their garments.
15. And he said unto the people, Be ready for three days, come not near unto a woman.
16. And it was on the third day, when it was morning, that there were voices and lightnings, and a heavy cloud upon the mountain, and the voice of a trumpet exceeding strong, and all the people that were in the camp trembled.
17. And Moses made the people go forth out of the camp to meet God; and they took their stand in the lower parts of the mountain.
18. And Mount Sinai smoked, the whole of it, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled mightily.
19. And when the voice of the trumpet was going, and waxing strong mightily, Moses spake, and God answered him in a voice.
20. And Jehovah came down upon Mount Sinai, unto the head of the mountain; and Jehovah called Moses unto the head of the mountain, and Moses went up.
21. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Go down, charge the people, lest perchance they break through unto Jehovah to see, and many of them fall.
22. And the priests also, who come near unto Jehovah, shall sanctify themselves, lest perchance Jehovah make a breach in them.
23. And Moses said unto Jehovah, The people cannot come up unto Mount Sinai; for Thou didst charge us, saying, Set bounds to the mountain, and sanctify it.
24. And Jehovah said unto him, Go, get thee down; and come up thou, and Aaron with thee; and let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto Jehovah, lest perchance He make a breach in them.
25. And Moses went down unto the people, and told them.