10062. And upon the thumb of their right hand. That this signifies the understanding thence derived in the middle heaven, is evident from the signification of "the thumb of the hand," as being the power of good through truth, or truth in its power from good, and the understanding thence derived (of which below). That it denotes the understanding in the middle heaven is because by the "blood" which was put on the thumb of the hand, is signified the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord's Divine good in the heavens (see above n. 10060), here therefore the understanding thence derived; for by the "blood on the lap of the right ear" is signified the perceptivity in the inmost heaven; consequently by the "blood on the thumb of the right hand" is signified the understanding in the middle heaven; and by the "great toe of the right foot" is signified the understanding in the ultimate heaven; for the things that belong to the inmost heaven are signified by the head, and by the things of the head, here therefore its perceptivity, by the "right ear," for this belongs to the head; and the things that belong to the middle heaven are signified by the body, and by the things of the body, here therefore the understanding, by the "right hand;" and the things that belong to the ultimate heaven are signified by the feet, and by the things of the feet. (That such is the correspondence of the heavens with man, see above, n. 10030, and in the places there cited.) Moreover, in the inmost heaven there is perceptivity of truth from good; but in the middle heaven there is no perceptivity of truth, but understanding of it, and so in the ultimate heaven (see the places cited in n. 9277, 9596, 9684).
[2] As to the thumb of the right hand signifying truth from good in its power and the consequent understanding in the middle heaven, this does indeed appear too low a thing and not of sufficient importance to signify heaven, for it may be thought, whence has the thumb such and so important a signification? But be it known that the ultimate or extreme part of any member signifies the same as the whole member, and the "hand" the whole power of the body, for the body has power by means of the arms and hands (that the ultimate or extreme part signifies all and the whole, in like manner as does what is first and highest, see n. 10044).
[3] (That the "hands" signify power, and that all power is of truth from good, see the places cited in n. 10019; and that the "right hand" signifies the power of truth from good, and the "left hand," the truth through which is good, n. 10061.) The understanding is meant because all the understanding is formed from truths, and all the will from goods; for all things in the world and in heaven bear relation to truth and to good, and the understanding of man was given for truths, and the will for goods; therefore as by the "hand" is signified truth in its power, the understanding is also signified.
[4] As the "thumb of the hand," in like manner as the "hand," signified the power which truth has from good, therefore in ancient times among the nations, and also with the Israelitish people, it was usual to cut off the thumbs of the hands and the great toes of the feet of their enemies (Judges 1:6, 7), by which was represented taking away all power; in the thumb also is the primary power of the hand, for when that is cut off, the hand is no longer of any avail in war.
[5] Like the thumb, the "fingers" also signify power, as in these passages:
Jehovah teacheth my hands fighting, and my fingers war (Ps. 144:1).
When I view the heavens, the work of Thy fingers (Ps. 8:3).
Jesus said, If I by the finger of God cast out demons, then is the kingdom of God come unto you (Luke 11:20).