(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 10182

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10182. Out of it shall be its horns. That this signifies the powers of truth from the good of love and of charity, is evident from the signification of "horns," as being the powers of truth (see n. 2832, 9719-9721). That it signifies from the good of love and of charity is because all the power of truth is from this source. Therefore also the horns were continued on from the altar itself, or were "out of it;" for this altar was a representative of the hearing and reception by the Lord of all things of the worship that is from love and charity (n. 10177).
[2] That all the power of truth is from the good of love cannot be apprehended by those who have only a material idea of power and therefore how the case herein is must be told. In the heavens all power is from the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord's Divine good; from this the angels have power, for the angels are receptions of the Divine truth from the Lord (n. 1752, 4295, 8192). By the power which they have from this they protect man by removing the hells from him; for one angel prevails against a thousand spirits from the hells. This power is what is meant by the keys of Peter, but by Peter who is there called a "rock" is meant the Lord as to the truth of faith from the good of love (see the preface to Genesis 22, and n. 3750, 4738, 6000, 6073, 6344, 10087); and that a "rock" denotes the Lord as to the truth of faith (n. 8581).
[3] The power of Divine truth is meant also by "the voice of Jehovah" in David:
The voice of Jehovah is upon the waters. The voice of Jehovah is in power. The voice of Jehovah breaketh the cedars. The voice of Jehovah cleaveth the flame of fire. The voice of Jehovah maketh the wilderness to tremble. The voice of Jehovah strippeth the forests; Jehovah giveth strength to His people (Ps. 29:3-11);
(that "the voice of Jehovah" denotes the Divine truth proceeding from His Divine good, see n. 9926).
[4] The power of Divine truth is meant also by "the Word" in John:
All things were made by the Word, and without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:3);
that "the Word" denotes the Divine truth that proceeds from the Divine good, see above (n. 9987); wherefore also the Lord when in the world first made Himself Divine truth, which is also meant by "the Word was made flesh" (verse 14). The reason why the Lord then made Himself Divine truth, was in order that He might fight against all the hells and subjugate them, and thus reduce into order all things there, and at the same time all things in the heavens (see n. 9715, 9809, 10019, 10052).
[5] That truths from good have all power, and that on the contrary falsities from evil have no power, is very well known in the other life. For this reason it is that the evil who come there from the world are deprived of persuasive faith, and likewise of all knowledge of truth, and are thus left to the falsities of their evil.
[6] That truths from good have such power cannot be apprehended by those who have the idea that truth and its faith are mere thought; when yet man's thought from his will produces all the strength of his body, and if it were inspired by the Lord through His Divine truth, man would have the strength of Samson. But it is the Lord's good pleasure that in respect to the things of his spirit, and that conduce to eternal salvation, man should have strength through faith from love. From this it can be seen what is meant by the power of truth from good, which is signified by "the horns of the altars" both of burning offering and of incense.
[7] That "horns" signify this power is evident from the passages in the Word where "horns" are mentioned, as in these passages:
In that day will I make a horn to grow for the house of Israel (Ezek. 29:21).
Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength? (Amos 6:13).
Jehovah will give strength to His king, and will exalt the horn of His anointed (1 Sam. 2:10).
Jehovah hath exalted the horn of His people (Ps. 148:14).
All the horns of the wicked will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted (Ps. 75:10).
The Lord hath cut off in the wrath of His anger all the horn of Israel, and hath exalted the horn of thine adversaries (Lam. 2:3, 17).
Ye thrust with side and with shoulder, and strike all the weak sheep with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad (Ezek. 34:21).
I saw four horns. The angel said, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. The smiths are come to cast down the horns of the nations, who lift up their horn against the land of Judah (Zech. 1:18-21).
His horns are the horns of the unicorn; with them shall he strike the peoples all together to the ends of the earth (Deut. 33:17).
That in these passages by "horns" is signified power, is evident, and indeed power in both senses, namely, the power of truth against falsity, and of falsity against truth; for in the internal sense the state of the church is everywhere treated of.
[8] In Amos:
In that day I will visit upon the altars of Bethel, and the horns of the altar shall be cut off, and shall fall to the earth (Amos 3:14);
by "the altars of Bethel," and by its "horns," are signified evils and falsities destroying the good and truth of the church, of which it is said that they "shall be cut off."
[9] From all this it can be seen what is meant by the "horns," of which such frequent mention is made in Daniel, and by John in Revelation, as in these passages:
The beast had ten horns, and also a horn speaking to it (Dan. 7:8, 11, 20).
The horn made war with the saints and prevailed until the Son of man came (Dan. 7:21-22);
Concerning the horns of the ram and the horns of the he-goat, by which they made war with each other (Dan. 8:3-21).
The dragon had ten horns (Rev. 12:3).
In like manner the beast that came up out of the sea (Rev. 13:1).
And also the scarlet beast (Rev. 17:3).
The horns are ten kings (Rev. 17:12, 13; see also in Daniel 7:24).
(That by "kings" in the Word are signified truths, and in the opposite sense falsities, see n. 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148.)
[10] As by a "horn" is signified truth in its power, and in the opposite sense falsity destroying truth, therefore speech is attributed to a horn (Rev. 9:13; Dan. 7:8; Ps. 22:21).
[11] That kings were anointed with oil from a horn (1 Sam. 16:1, 13; 1 Kings 1:39) represented truth from good in its power, for "horns" denote truths in their power; "oil" denotes good; and "kings" denote those who are in truths from good. (That "oil" denotes good, see n. 886, 9780; and "kings," those who are in truths from good, thus abstractedly, truths from good, n. 6148.) From this also it is that a horn is said "to sprout forth" (Ps. 132:17), because all spiritual growth belongs to truth from good; thus also in old times they made sprouting horns. (That good has all power through truth, or what is the same, that all power belongs to truth from good, see the places cited in n. 10019.)


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