(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 10200

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10200. Morning by morning. That this signifies when the state of love is in clearness, is evident from the signification of "morning," as being when the state of love is in clearness (see n. 10134); hence "morning by morning" denotes when there is this state. That in the heavens there is continually a succession of states of love and light, that is, of good and truth, as on earth there are morning, noon, evening, and twilight; and spring, summer, autumn, and winter, has been occasionally shown above; also that these times of the day and of the year have their origin from this source; for the things which come forth in the world are images of those which come forth in the heavens, because everything natural comes forth from what is spiritual, that is, from the Divine in the heavens. From this it is evident what is the nature of the variations of states in the heavens, for they are known from comparison with the states of heat and light in the world; for heat in the heavens is the good of love from the Lord, and light there is the truth of faith from the Lord. The reason for such successions of states there is that the angels there may be continually being perfected; for in this way they pass through all the varieties of good and of truth, and become imbued with them. The differences of the varieties of the good of love and of the truth of faith in the heavens are also like the differences of heat and of light in the several regions or climates of the earth, namely, of one kind nearer to the equator, and of another at a greater distance on each side therefrom; and differently in each day of every year, and also in one year differently from another; for there is never a return of what is absolutely alike, or the same; it being provided that what is absolutely the same is never found either in the spiritual world or in the natural. From this the perfection continually increases.


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