10290. And Jehovah said unto Moses. That this signifies again enlightenment and perception by the Lord through the Word, is evident from the signification of "saying," when by Jehovah, as being enlightenment and perception (that it denotes enlightenment, see n. 7019, 10215, 10234; and that it denotes perception, n. 1791, 1815, 1819, 1822, 1898, 1919, 2080, 2862, 3509, 5877); and from the representation of Moses, as being the Word (n. 6752, 7014, 7089). That "Jehovah" in the Word denotes the Lord, see at the places cited in n. 9373. Hence it is plain that by "Jehovah said unto Moses" is signified enlightenment and perception by the Lord through the Word.
[2] That this is signified is because the Lord speaks with the man of the church in no other way than through the Word, for He then enlightens man so that he may see truth, and also gives him perception to perceive that it is so; but this is effected according to the quality of the desire for truth with the man, and the desire for truth with a man is according to his love of it. They who love truth for the sake of truth are in enlightenment, and they who love truth for the sake of good are in perception (what perception is, see at n. 483, 495, 521, 536, 597, 607, 784, 1121, 1387, 1919, 2144, 2145, 2171, 2515, 2831, 5228, 5920, 7680, 7977, 8780).
[3] But the Lord spoke with Moses and the prophets by a living voice, in order that the Word might be promulgated, and be such that each and all things might have an internal sense. Consequently also in these words, "Jehovah said unto Moses," the angels, who are in the internal sense, do not know what "Moses" is, because the names of persons do not enter heaven (n. 10282), but instead of "Moses" they perceive the Word; and the expression "said" is turned with them into what is in agreement with the sense, thus here into being enlightened and perceiving. Moreover, in the angelic idea, "saying" and "speaking," when said of the Lord speaking through the Word, are nothing else.