10483. And Moses stood in the gate of the camp. That this signifies where the opening to hell is, is evident from the representation of Moses, as being the internal (of which above, n. 10468); from the signification of "in the gate," as being where there is an opening (of which below); and from the signification of "the camp," as being hell (n. 10458). The reason why Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and did not enter into the camp itself, was in order that it might be represented that what is internal cannot enter into hell; for by Moses was represented what is internal, and by the camp was represented hell. For all who are in hell are in things external separate from what is internal, because they are in the loves of self and of the world, and therefore what is internal cannot enter there, because it is not received, but is at once rejected by some who are there; with some it is suffocated and extinguished; and with others it is perverted. Whether you say "what is internal," or "heaven," it is the same, because heaven is in what is internal; it is in the internal of the Word, and in the internal of the church and of worship; consequently it is in the internal of the man who is in celestial and spiritual love; that is, in love to the Lord and in charity toward the neighbor.
[2] It shall be briefly told what is this opening of hell which is signified by "the gate of this camp." Every hell is closed round about; but is opened above according to necessity and need. This opening is into the world of spirits, which world is midway between heaven and hell, for there the hells terminate upward, and the heavens downward (n. 5852). It is said that they are opened according to necessity and need, because every man has with him spirits from hell and angels from heaven. The spirits from hell are in his bodily and worldly loves, and the angels from heaven are in his heavenly and spiritual loves, for without the presence of spirits no man can possibly live. If spirits were removed from him, he would fall down as dead as a stone. Consequently in order that man may have life according to his loves, the hells are of necessity opened, and according to need, and from them such spirits come forth to him as are in similar loves.
[3] This opening is what is meant by "the gate of hell," and such openings it has sometimes been granted me to see. The gates are guarded by the Lord by means of angels, to prevent more spirits coming forth than is needful. From this it is evident what is signified in the Word by "the gates of hell," and by "the gates of enemies," as in Matthew:
Jesus said unto Peter, Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18);
"the gates of hell not prevailing" denotes that the hells will not dare to go forth and destroy the truths of faith; "the rock upon which the church is built" denotes faith from the Lord in the Lord, which faith is the faith of charity, because charity is in this faith and thus is one with it. (That a "rock" denotes this faith may be seen in the preface to the twenty-second chapter of Genesis, and also in n. 8581, 10438; and that real faith is charity, in n. 654, 1162, 1176, 1608, 2228, 2343, 2349, 2419, 2839, 3324, 4368, 6348, 7039, 7623-7627, 7752-7762, 8530, 9154, 9224, 9783.)
[4] The like is also signified by the words:
Thy seed shall inherit the gate of thine enemies (Gen. 22:17; 24:60);
"to inherit the gate of enemies" denotes to destroy the evils and falsities which are from hell; and this was also represented by the driving out and destruction of the nations in the land of Canaan; for the nations there represented evils and falsities which are from hell (see n. 1573, 1574, 1868, 4818, 6306, 8054, 8317, 9320, 9327). Also in David:
They that dwell in the gate plot against me; they that drink strong drink sing and dance (Ps. 69:12).
Happy is the man that hath filled his quiver; they shall not be ashamed, for they shall speak with the enemies in the gate (Ps. 127:5).
[5] But in a good sense "gates" denote an opening into heaven, as in David:
Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in (Ps. 24:7-10).
Moreover by "gates" in the Word is signified entrance into heaven and into the church by means of truth and good; and also the influx of truth and good with man.