(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 10555

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10555. As a man speaketh unto his neighbor. That this signifies the conjunction of truth and good, is evident from the signification of "speaking," as being a mutual perception and the consequent conjunction (of which just above, n. 10554); from the signification of "man" [vir], as being truth (n. 3134, 3459, 4823, 7716, 9007); and from the signification of "neighbor," as being the good with which truth is conjoined. In the Word throughout mention is made of "man and neighbor," or of "man and companion;" and thereby is signified what is mutual, as also by "man and brother." And when what is mutual is signified, there is meant mutual conjunction, such as is that between truth and good; for truth mutually conjoins itself with good, for the reason that truth has its being from good, and good has its quality in truth. In heaven there is not any truth which is not conjoined with good, for the reason that truth is not anything without good, nor is good anything without truth. For truth without good is like manifestation [existere] without being [esse], and good without truth is like being without manifestation; that is, truth without good is like a body without life; and good without truth is like life without a body. Wherefore unless they are conjoined together, they are not anything from which comes anything, that is, they are not anything of which anything of heaven and of the church can be predicated.
[2] The case herein is like what understanding would be in man without will, or like what will would be without understanding. One is indeed possible separate from the other, as for example to understand what is true and good, and not to will it. But in this case to understand has its will from some other source than good; it has it from willing for one's self, or for the sake of one's self, to which the understanding of truth and of good serve as a means. He who reflects well is able to know that understanding with man has its life from his willing; and that without willing it is not anything; and also that understanding and willing mutually regard each other, and are conjoined together. The case is the same with truth and good, consequently with faith and love. Unless truth is conjoined with good, or faith with love, there is no truth or good, nor faith or love. These things have been said in order that it may be known what is meant by the mutual conjunction which in the spiritual sense is signified by "man and companion," or by "man and neighbor," and also by "man and brother."


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