(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 10568

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10568. And he said unto Him, If Thy faces go not, do not make us go up from hence. That this signifies that if the Divine be not there, there will not be anything of the church, is evident from the signification of the "faces of Jehovah," as being the interior Divine things of the church, of worship, and of the Word (of which just above, see n. 10567); and from the signification of "not making us go up hence," as being that there will not be anything of the church. The reason why this is signified by these words, is that by being "brought into the land of Canaan" is signified the setting up of the church; thus by "not making us go up from hence" is signified that thus there will not be anything of the church. That by being "brought into the land of Canaan" is signified the setting up of the church, may be seen above (n. 10560, 10561); and this is signified for the reason that by "the land of Canaan" in the Word nothing else is understood in heaven but the church, for in heaven all things of the Word are spiritually perceived. Wherefore when mention is made of any land, they think there of such things as are of the church in that land, or with the nation there. The angels of heaven cannot keep the mind in the idea of any land, because the idea of land is material; nor in the idea of any nation, for this idea also is material. Wherefore a spiritual idea at once occurs to them, which idea is about the church. In general a spiritual idea is about the Lord, His kingdom, heaven, the church, love to and faith in the Lord, and about countless things that belong to faith and love, thus that belong to the church. And if you will believe it, it is impossible for any material idea to enter heaven; it is put off at the first threshold. Such is the case with the whole and every part of the Word. From this then it is that by being "brought into the land of Canaan" is signified the setting up of the church; and by "not being brought" as here is signified no setting up of it.


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