10632. And He said, Behold I make a covenant. That this signifies the primary things whereby there is the conjunction of the Lord with the human race by means of the Word, is evident from the signification of a "covenant," as being conjunction (see n. 665, 666, 1023, 1038, 1864, 1996, 2003, 2021, 6804, 8767, 8778), here the conjunction of Jehovah, that is, of the Lord, with the human race by means of the Word; for this conjunction is the subject treated of in what now follows. That this is the case is also evident from the connection of the things in the internal sense. The subject treated of in what precedes was the law that was delivered and promulgated from Mount Sinai, by which law in an extended sense is signified the Word (n. 6752, 7463). Moreover, this law was the beginning of the Word, for the Word was promulgated afterward, first through Moses, and then through all the others. The subject next treated of was the Israelitish nation, in that it was not such that the Word could be written among them as it would otherwise have been written, because a church could not be instituted among them; and where the church is, there is the Word. (Concerning these things see what has been said and shown in chapters 32 and 33, and thus far in this chapter.)
[2] But because Moses insisted that Jehovah should be in the midst of that people, and that they should be received as an inheritance, and should thus be brought into the land of Canaan; by all which things in the internal sense is signified that the church was to be instituted among that people, and thus that the Word would be written there; and because this was now granted for the reason that Moses insisted upon it, therefore now the primary precepts, which were altogether to be observed in order that this might be effected, are treated of. These primary precepts were, that the Lord alone is to be worshiped, and no other, and that acknowledgment must be made that all good and truth are from Him; besides many other things in what presently follows. It is said that they are treated of in what presently follows, but be it known that these precepts are contained in the internal sense. In the external sense, however, which is the sense of the letter, are contained such things as represent these precepts, thus which signify them, as can be seen from the explication of what follows.
[3] It is said that by this covenant which Jehovah made with Moses, is signified the conjunction of the Lord with the human race by means of the Word, and therefore it shall be here told how the case is in regard to this conjunction. In the most ancient times there was not the Word, but immediate revelation before the man of the church, and thereby conjunction. For when there is immediate revelation, there is the conjunction of heaven with man. The conjunction of heaven with man is the conjunction of the Lord with him, because the Divine of the Lord with the angels makes heaven.
[4] When this immediate revelation ceased, as was the case when man turned away from the good in which he had been, then another revelation succeeded, which was by means of representatives, whereby the man of the church then knew what is true and good. Hence this church was called a representative church. In this church there was also a Word, but one that was of service to this church only. But when this church also was vastated, as was the case when they began to worship idolatrously the things by means of which there was at that time the conjunction of the church with heaven; and when in some lands they began to turn them into magic, it was then provided by the Lord that a Word should be written which should be Divine in each and all things, down to every syllable; and which should consist of pure correspondences; and that in this way it might be accommodated to the perception of the angels in all the heavens, and at the same time to men; to the end that thereby there might be the conjunction of the Lord with the human race; for without conjunction by means of such a Word, heaven would have completely departed from man, and so man would have perished.
[5] In what follows therefore the subject treated of is conjunction by means of the Word, and the primary precepts are disclosed which must be observed, in order that a man may be in this conjunction by means of the Word. (That the most ancient people had immediate revelation, see n. 2895, 3432; concerning the representative church that afterward succeeded, and its Word, n. 2686, 2897, 3432, 10355; and that the conjunction of the Lord with the human race is by means of the Word, at the places cited in n. 10375, 10452.)