2056. And the uncircumcised male. That this signifies one who is not in the truth of faith, is evident from the signification of a "male," as being the truth of faith (see above, n. 2046); the "uncircumcised male" therefore here signifies one who is not in the truth of faith, and who is thereby in what is false. That is said to be "uncircumcised" which obstructs and defiles, as before said. When said of the "male," it is that which obstructs and defiles truth; and in like manner when it is said of any other subject, it signifies the darkening and contamination of that subject. Thus an "uncircumcised ear" is mentioned in Jeremiah:
Upon whom shall I speak and testify, and they will hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken; behold the Word of Jehovah is become unto them a reproach; they do not desire it (Jer. 6:10);
their "ear being uncircumcised" means that there was no hearkening, and that the Word was a reproach unto them.
[2] Moreover the verse before us treats of those who are within the church, and who are not only in falsity, but also in the impurity of the loves of self and of the world; for these things are said in continuation of what was said before. It is therefore said "the uncircumcised male, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin," and thus the meaning is falsity conjoined with impurity of life. How great a danger of eternal damnation these are incurring may be seen from what was said above (n. 2051). These words especially signify those within the church who profane the goods and truths of faith, of whom it is said, "that soul shall be cut off from his people;" for these can commit profanation, but not those who are outside the church (as has been shown in Part First, n. 593, 1008, 1010, 1059).