3804. And she ran and told her father. That this signifies acknowledgment by means of interior truths, is evident from the signification of "running and telling," as being the affection of making known, in the present case from acknowledgment; and from the signification of her "father," as being the good which is signified by "Laban." That the acknowledgment was by means of interior truths, is represented by Rachel, who signifies the affection of interior truth. From this it results that by these words is signified acknowledgment by means of interior truths. The case herein is this: The good which Jacob represents (which is the good of the natural), like all good in general, is known and acknowledged as to its existence, but not as to its quality, except by means of truths; for good receives its quality from truths, and thus by means of truths is known and acknowledged. Good does not become the good which is called the good of charity until truths are implanted in it, and such as are the truths that are implanted in it, such good does it become.
[2] For this reason the good of one person, although it may appear precisely similar to that of another, is yet not the same; and with all persons whatsoever in the universe the good of one is different from that of another. It is the same with human faces, in which for the most part the affections are portrayed, and throughout the whole human race none are exactly alike. Truths themselves constitute as it were the face of beauty, the good of which is from the form of truth, but it is good that affects. Such are all angelic forms, and such would man be if from interior life he were in love to the Lord, and in charity toward his neighbor. He was created into such forms, because into the likeness and image of God; and such forms as to their spirits are they who are regenerated, however they may appear as to the body. From this it is evident what is meant by good being acknowledged by means of interior truths.