(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 3954

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3954. And God hearkened unto Leah. That this signifies the Divine love, is evident from the signification of "hearkening" to anyone, when predicated of God or the Lord, as being the Divine love; for hearkening to anyone is doing what he prays for and desires. As this is from Divine good, and Divine good comes from the Divine love, by "hearkening" to anyone is signified in the supreme sense the Divine love. For with the internal sense of the Word the case is that when the sense of the letter ascends toward heaven, and thus enters into the sphere where the thought is from the Lord and concerning the Lord and what belongs to the Lord, it is at last so perceived by the angels; for the internal sense is the Word to the angels, whereto the sense of the letter serves as a plane or means of thinking. For the sense of the letter cannot come to the angels, because it treats in most places of worldly, earthly, and corporeal things, of which the angels cannot think, because they are in spiritual and celestial things, and thus far above what is earthly. For this reason a Word has been given that can serve man and at the same time the angels. In this the Word differs from every other writing.


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