4038. And camels, and asses. That this signifies the truths of good, exterior and external, is evident from the signification of "camels," as being general memory-knowledges of the natural man (see n. 3048, 3071, 3143, 3145-general memory-knowledges are the lower or more exterior truths of good), and from the signification of "asses," as being still lower, that is, the external, truths of natural good (see n. 2781). What the interior goods and truths are; also the mediate ones; and likewise the exterior and external ones, may be seen from what was said above (n. 4009).
[2] Speaking generally, there are in man three things, namely, the corporeal, the natural, and the rational. The corporeal is the outermost, the natural is the intermediate, and the rational is the interior. So far as one of these reigns in man above another, he is said to be either corporeal, or natural, or rational. These three parts of man communicate in a wonderful manner; the corporeal with the natural, and the natural with the rational. When first born, man is merely corporeal, but within has the capacity of being perfected. Afterwards he becomes natural, and at last rational; from which it may be seen that there is communication of one part with another. The corporeal communicates with the natural by means of the senses, and does so in a distinct and separate manner by those which belong to the understanding, and by those which belong to the will, for both of these faculties must be perfected in man in order that he may become and may be a man. The senses of sight and hearing are especially those which perfect his intellectual faculty; and the other three senses have especial regard to the will. By means of these senses man's corporeal communicates with his natural, which as before said is the middle part. For the things that enter by the senses, place themselves in the natural as in a kind of receptacle, which is the memory. The delight, the pleasure, and the desire therein, belong to the will, and are called natural goods; and the memory-knowledges belong to the understanding, and are called natural truths.
[3] By means of the things just spoken of, man's natural communicates with his rational, which as before said, is the interior part. Such things as elevate themselves from the natural toward the rational, also place themselves in the rational, as in a kind of receptacle, which is the interior memory (concerning which see above, n. 2469-2480). What is blessed and happy therein belongs to the will, and is of rational good; and the interior mental views of things and perceptions belong to the understanding, and the things that belong to these are called rational truths. These three are what constitute man, and there are communications among the three. The external senses are the means by which man's corporeal communicates with his natural; and the interior senses are those by which man's natural communicates with his rational. And therefore those things in the natural that partake of the external senses, which are proper to the body, are those which are called the exterior and external truths of good; but those which partake of the internal senses which are proper to his spirit, and which communicate with the rational, are what are called interior goods and truths. Those which are between the two, and partake of both, are what are called mediate goods and truths. These three are in order from the interiors, and are what are signified in the internal sense by "flocks, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses."