(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 4047

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4047. There appeared others also above the head, whose common action inflowing above the head flowed crosswise from the front backward. And there appeared also others, whose inflowing action was from each temple toward the middle of the brain. It was perceived that these were those who belong to the province of the pia mater, which is the second integument, more closely investing the cerebrum and cerebellum, and communicating with these by the emission of threads. The quality of these I was permitted to know from their speech, for they spoke with me. They were (as they had been in the world) such as did not trust much to their own thought, and therefore did not determine themselves to any fixed and certain thought respecting holy things, but depended on the belief of others, not canvassing whether it was true. That this was their quality was also shown me by the influx of their perception into the Lord's prayer when I was reading it. For the quality of all spirits and angels whatever may be known from the Lord's prayer, and this by the influx of the ideas of their thought and of their affections into the contents of the prayer. From this was perceived the quality of these spirits, and furthermore that they could serve the angels as mediums; for there are intermediate spirits between the heavens through whom there is communication. For their ideas were not closed, but were readily opened so that they suffered themselves to be acted upon, easily admitting and receiving influx. Moreover, they were modest and peaceful, and said that they were in heaven.


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