4564. And she was buried from under Bethel under the oak. That this signifies that it was rejected forever, is evident from the signification of "being buried," as being to be rejected, for what is buried is rejected; and from the signification of "under the oak," as being forever (see above, n. 4552). "From under Bethel" signifies outside of the natural, for what is said to be underneath, or below, in the internal sense is without (see n. 2148). "Bethel" is the Divine natural (n. 4089, 4539).
[2] The case herein is this. Evil both hereditary and actual in a man who is being regenerated is not exterminated so as to vanish or become null and void, but is only separated, and by the Lord's disposal is rejected to the circumferences (n. 4551, 4552); and it remains so with the man even to eternity; but he is withheld by the Lord from the evil and is kept in good. When this takes place it appears as if evils were cast away and the man purified from them, or as is said, "justified." All the angels of heaven confess that with them, insofar as it is of themselves, there is nothing but evil and its derivative falsity; but insofar as it is from the Lord, there is good and the derivative truth.
[3] They who have conceived any other opinion on this subject, and have while living in the world confirmed themselves from their doctrine in the idea that they had been justified and were then without sins, thus that they are holy, are remitted into the state of their evils, both from what is actual and from what is hereditary, and are kept in this state until they know by living experience that of themselves they are nothing but evil, and that the good in which they had seemed to themselves to be, was from the Lord, consequently is not theirs, but the Lord's. Such is the case with the angels, and such also is it with the regenerate among men.
[4] But with the Lord it was otherwise. All the hereditary evil from the mother He altogether removed from Himself, expelled, and cast out. For He had no evil by inheritance from His Father, because He was conceived of Jehovah, but only from the mother. This is the difference; and this is what is meant by the Lord's being made righteousness, the Holy itself, and the Divine.