4980. That Jehovah blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake. That this signifies that from the Divine it then had the celestial natural, is evident from the signification of "being blessed," as being to be enriched with celestial and spiritual good, and that it was from the Divine is signified by its being said that "Jehovah blessed;" and from the signification of the "Egyptian's house," as being the good of the natural mind (as above, n. 4973). Hence it follows that by "Jehovah blessed the Egyptian's house" is signified that from the Divine it then had the celestial natural. The celestial natural is the good in the natural which corresponds to the good of the rational, that is, which corresponds to the celestial of the spiritual from the rational, which is "Joseph" (n. 4963).
[2] The celestial as well as the spiritual is predicated of both the rational and the natural, that is, of the internal man, which is the rational man, and of the external, which is the natural man; for in its essence the spiritual is the Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord, and the celestial is the Divine good which is in this Divine truth. When Divine truth in which is Divine good is received by the rational or internal man, it is called the spiritual in the rational; and when received by the natural or external man, it is called the spiritual in the natural. In like manner when the Divine good which is in Divine truth is received by the rational or internal man, it is called the celestial in the rational; and when received by the natural or external man, it is called the celestial in the natural. Both flow in with man from the Lord immediately, as well as mediately through angels and spirits; but with the Lord when He was in the world, the inflow was from Himself, because the Divine was in Him.