5232. Me and the prince of the bakers. That this signifies both sensuous parts, is evident from the representation of the prince of the butlers, who is here meant by "me," as being the sensuous subject to the intellectual part in general (see n. 5077, 5082); and from the representation of the prince of the bakers, as being the sensuous subject to the will part in general (n. 5078, 5082); thus by "me and the prince of the bakers" both sensuous parts are signified. We say "both" sensuous parts because there are two faculties in man which constitute his life, the will and the understanding, to which each and all things in him have reference. That there are two faculties in man which constitute his life, is because there are two things which make life in heaven-good and truth-good having reference to the will, and truth to the understanding. From this it is plain that there are two things which make man spiritual, and consequently make him blessed in the other life, namely, charity and faith; for charity is good and faith is truth, and charity has reference to the will and faith to the understanding.
[2] To these two-good and truth-each and all things in nature bear reference, and from this they come into existence and subsist. That they bear reference to these two things, is very evident from heat and light, of which heat has reference to good and light to truth, and therefore spiritual heat is the good of love, and spiritual light is the truth of faith. As each and all things in universal nature bear reference to these other two, good and truth, and as good is represented in heat, and faith in light, everyone may judge of what quality a man is from faith alone without charity, or what is the same thing, from merely understanding truth without willing good. Is it not like the state of winter, when the light is brilliant, and yet everything is torpid, because without heat? Such is the state of the man who is in faith alone, and not in the good of love. He is in cold and in darkness, in cold because he is opposed to good, in darkness because thereby he is opposed to truth; for one who is opposed to good is also opposed to truth, however he may seem to himself not to be so; for the one draws the other to its side. Such becomes his state after death.