(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 5551

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5551. In sorrow to the grave. That this signifies without hope of resuscitation, is evident from the signification of "sorrow" here, as being without hope, for when there is no longer any hope there is sorrow; and from the signification of the "grave," as being resurrection and regeneration (see n. 2916, 2917, 3256, 4621), thus the resuscitation of the church; for if in the church there is neither an internal which is "Joseph," nor an intermediate which is "Benjamin," nor faith in the will, or charity, which is "Simeon," there is no longer any hope of its resuscitation. It appears strange that the "grave" should denote resuscitation, but this is because of man's idea concerning it; for he does not separate the grave from death, nor even from the dead body in the grave. Yet the angels in heaven cannot have such an idea of the grave, but one entirely different from man's, namely, an idea of resurrection or resuscitation. For when man's dead body is committed to the grave he is resuscitated into the other life; and therefore the idea angels have about the grave is not an idea of death, but of life, consequently of resuscitation.


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