(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 5773

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5773. And they rent their garments. That this signifies mourning, is evident from the signification of "rending the garments," as being mourning on account of truth being lost (see n. 4763), here on account of truths from their own which they could no longer claim to themselves, because they had offered themselves as servants both in the presence of him that was over Joseph's house (verse 9), and in the presence of Joseph himself (verse 16), whereby is signified that they would be without freedom from their own, thus without truths from themselves. As regards mourning on account of truths from their own, which is signified by their "rending their garments and offering themselves as servants," be it known that a turning about takes place with those who are being regenerated, namely, that they are led to good by means of truth, and afterward from good they are led to truth. When this turning about takes place, or when the state is changed and becomes the inverse of the former one, there is mourning; for they are then let into temptation, whereby what is of their own is weakened and broken down, and good is insinuated, and with good a new will, and with this a new freedom, thus a new own. This is represented by Joseph's brethren returning in despair to Joseph, and offering themselves to him as servants, and their being kept in that state for some time, and by Joseph's not manifesting himself until after the temptation; for when the temptation is over, the Lord shines on them with comfort.


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