(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6008

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6008. And Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes. That this signifies that the internal celestial shall vivify, is evident from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal celestial (see n. 5869, 5877); and from the signification of "putting the hand upon the eyes," as being to vivify.
For by "putting the hand upon the eyes" is meant that the external sensual, or that of the body, shall be closed, and the internal sensual shall be opened; thus that elevation shall be effected, and thus vivification. It was customary to lay the hand upon the eyes of a dying person, because by "death" was signified resuscitation into life (n. 3498, 3505, 4618, 4621). For when a man dies, he does not die, but only lays aside the body which had served him for use in the world, and he passes into the other life in a body which serves him for use there.


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