6159. And for your food, and for them in your houses. That this signifies that thereby the good of truth may be in each and all things, is evident from the signification of "food," as being the good of truth (see n. 5410, 5426, 5487, 5582, 5588, 5655); and from the signification of "those who are in the houses," as being each and all things of good derived from truth. Thus "for food for those in the houses" denotes the good of truth in each and all things. As regards the good of truth being in each and all things, the case is this. In proportion as a man is being regenerated, good insinuates itself into each and all things that appertain to him; for the affection of good becomes that which reigns universally in him; and that which reigns universally reigns also singularly, that is, in each and all things. This may be seen from the ruling affection with everyone. This affection, whatever it may be, is present in each particular of his will, and also in each particular of his thought, and although it does not always appear to be present in the thought, nevertheless it is in it. The reason why it does not appear is that at these moments it is clothed with affections that are insinuated by means of objects; but as these affections are put off, the ruling affection comes into plain view.
[2] This cannot be better seen than from the case of spirits and angels. Spirits who are evil, or with whom evil is dominant, are evil in each and all things, even when they are speaking what is true and are doing what is good, for in all this they have no other intention than to deceive others so as to be believed to be good, and thus to beguile under a semblance of good. When this is the case, it is plainly heard from the very tone of their speech, and is also perceived from their sphere. The angels in heaven, with whom good rules, that is, universally reigns, are good in each and all things; or in other words, with them good from the Lord shines forth in each and all things; for even if they do anything of evil in the outward form, it is nevertheless their end or intention that good may come therefrom. From all this it is evident that where good universally reigns, it reigns in each and all things; and it is the same with evil. For that which reigns universally comes into existence for the first time when each and all things are of the same nature; and the universal is according to the quality and quantity of these; for that which is called universal is universal from the fact that it is in all things individually.