(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6383

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6383. Zebulun. That this signifies the cohabitation of good and truth, is evident from the representation of Zebulun, as being the heavenly marriage (see n. 3960, 3961), thus the conjunction of good and truth, for this conjunction is the heavenly marriage. It is said "the cohabitation of good and truth" because in the original language "Zebulon" means "cohabitation." Here under the name of "Zebulon" are treated of those in the church who form conclusions about spiritual truths from memory-knowledges, and thus fortify them with themselves. But be it known that by "Zebulun" are not meant those who do not believe unless memory-knowledges and sensuous things declare for it, and who are until then in what is negative. Such never believe, for the reason that what is negative reigns universally, and when this is the case there flow in and are gathered together memory-knowledges which deny, but not those which confirm; the latter being cast to the sides, or explained to favor the negative memory-knowledges, whereby what is negative is fortified. But by "Zebulun" are here meant those who believe doctrinal things from the Word, thus with whom something affirmative reigns universally; and yet their faith has not its life in truths, but in memory-knowledges, for they apply these to doctrinal things, and thus fortify their affirmative. They who are "Zebulun," therefore, do not elevate themselves from memory-knowledges; but when they hear or think of any truth of faith they at once fall back into memory-knowledge. There are many such in the world, and the Lord provides that memory-knowledges and sensuous things may serve them for this use.


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