(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6390

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6390. Lying down between the burdens. That this signifies a life among works, is evident from the signification of "lying down," as being life, but obscure life; and from the signification of "burdens," as being works. That "burdens" denote such works is because those here treated of do not do goods from the affection of love toward the neighbor, but from the affection of love toward self. The works which flow from the affection of this love are like the burdens carried by the meaner asses, for they belong to the lowest services. For all servitude is from the affection of the love of self and of the world, and all freedom is from the affection of love to the Lord and toward the neighbor. The reason is that the affection of the former love flows in from hell, which commands with violence; whereas the affection of the latter love flows in from the Lord, who does not command, but leads. Hence again it is plain that they who do what is good for the sake of reward are lowest services, and their works are "burdens." The like is signified by "burdens" in the book of Judges:
The princes in Issachar were with Deborah; and Issachar so with Barak; in the valley he shall be put under his feet, in the classes of Reuben great as to the resolves of heart. Why satest thou between the burdens, to hear the hissings of the flocks? (Judg. 5:15, 16);
here also "Issachar" denotes those who desire to be rewarded for works; "to be put in the valley under the feet" is to serve in lowest things; the "classes of Reuben" denote those who are in the knowledges of the truth of faith, among whom are those here signified by "Issachar," but in a place beneath them; "to hear the hissings of the flocks" denotes contempt from those who are in the good of charity, who are the "flocks;" to "sit between burdens" denotes among self-meritorious works.


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