6451. I am being gathered unto my people. That this signifies that he would be in the goods and truths of the natural which are from him, is evident from the representation of the sons of Israel and of the tribes named from them, which are here "his people," as being goods and truths in the natural (see n. 3858, 3926, 3939, 5414, 5879, 5951, 6335, 6337), and that these are from him is evident; and from the signification of "being gathered to that people," as being to be in these things. As the subject treated of here and in what follows is the gathering or coming forth of spiritual good, which is "Israel," in the goods and truths of the natural, which are his "sons" or the tribes named after them, it must be told how this is to be understood.
[2] In man there is what is inmost, there are interior things under the inmost, and there are exterior things. All these are most exactly distinct; they succeed in order, thus from the inmost down to the outermost; according to the order in which they succeed, they also flow in; hence it is that life flows through the inmost into the interiors, and through the interiors into the exteriors, thus according to the order in which they succeed; and it does not rest except in the ultimate of order, where it stops. And as the interior things flow in according to order down to the ultimate, and there stop, it is evident that the interior things are together in the ultimate, but in this order: the inmost, which has flowed in, holds the center; the interior things which are under the inmost encompass the center; and the exterior things make the circumference; and this not only in general, but also in every detail. The former order is called "successive order," and the latter "simultaneous order;" and this latter order originates from the former; for in every case the simultaneous has its origin in the successive, and when it has thus originated it exists so.
[3] As all the interiors are together in the ultimate, therefore the appearance is as if life were in the ultimate, that is, in the body; when yet it is in the interiors, nor yet there, but in the highest, that is, in the Lord, from whom is the all of life. Hence also it is that life in the exteriors is obscure compared with life in the interiors; for in the exteriors the life is general, coming forth from the influx of many, nay, of innumerable things from the interiors, which appear together and in general. Thus now it is in some measure plain how it is to be understood that spiritual good which is "Israel" must be in the goods and truths of the natural, which are his sons or tribes; for spiritual good which is "Israel" is in the interior of the natural, and the goods and truths which are his sons are in its exterior. That spiritual good must be in these is signified by "I am being gathered unto my people."