(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6700

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6700. As regards the Divine worship of the inhabitants of other earths, all who are not idolaters acknowledge the Lord as the only God. They do not indeed know, except a very few, that the Lord assumed the Human in this earth and made it Divine; but they adore the Divine not as a Divine altogether incomprehensible, but as comprehensible through the human form; for when the Divine appears to them it appears in this form, as it also formerly appeared to Abraham and others on this earth; and because they adore the Divine under a human form, they adore the Lord. They also know that no one can be conjoined with the Divine in faith and love unless the Divine is in a form which they comprehend with some idea; if not in a form the idea would be dissipated, like sight in the universe. When told by the spirits of our earth that the Lord took upon Himself the Human in this earth, they mused a while, and presently said that this was done for the sake of the salvation of the human race; and that they adore with most holy worship the Divine which shines as the sun in heaven, and when it appears, presents itself to view in the human form. That the Lord appears as a sun in the other life. And that thence comes all the light of heaven, see n. 1053, 1521, 1529, 1530, 1531, 3636, 3643, 4060, 4321, 5097; but on this subject more will be specifically related hereafter.


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