7318. And the fish that is in the river shall die. That this signifies that the memory-knowledge of truth shall be extinguished, is evident from the signification of "the fish," as being memory-knowledge (see n. 40, 991), here the memory-knowledge of truth, because it is said that it should die, because in waters turned into blood, by which is signified that it would be extinguished through falsification; and from the signification of "dying," as being to be extinguished. What the falsification of truth is shall be illustrated by some examples. Truth is falsified when from reasonings it is concluded and said that because no one can do what is good from himself, therefore good effects nothing toward salvation. Truth is also falsified when it is said that all the good which a man does regards himself and is done for the sake of recompense, and this being so, works of charity are not to be done. Truth is falsified when it is said that because all good is from the Lord, therefore man ought to do nothing of good, but should await influx. Truth is falsified when it said that truth can exist in a man without the good which is of charity, thus faith without charity. Truth is falsified when it is said that no one can enter into heaven except one who is miserable and poor; also when it is said, unless he gives all he has to the poor, and reduces himself to miseries.
[2] Truth is falsified when it is said that everyone can be admitted into heaven from mercy, no matter how he has lived. Truth is still more falsified when it is said that there has been given to man the power of admitting into heaven whomsoever he pleases. Truth is falsified when it is said that sins are wiped and washed away like filth by water; and truth is still more falsified when it is said that man has the power of remitting sins, and that when they have been remitted, they are altogether wiped away, and the man is pure. Truth is falsified when it is said that the Lord has taken all sins upon Himself, and so has taken them away, and that thus man can be saved, no matter what his life is. Truth is falsified when it is said that no one is saved except one who is within the church. The reasonings by which such falsification is effected, are that they who are within the church have been baptized, have the Word, know about the Lord, about the resurrection, life eternal, heaven, and hell, and thus they know what the faith is by which they can be justified. There are countless such things as these, for there is not a single truth which cannot be falsified, and the falsification confirmed by reasonings from fallacies.