7332. And all the waters that were in the river were turned into blood. That this signifies the consequent falsification of all truth, is evident from the signification of "the waters that were in the river," as being falsities (of which above, n. 7307); and from the signification of "blood," as being the falsification of truth (of which also above, n. 7317, 7326). The reason why it is permitted that they who are in falsities and infest in the other life, should falsify truths, is lest through the truths which are of faith they should have communication with those who are in heaven, and through the evils which are of life; they should have communication with those who are in hell; and hence through truths should acquire something of light from heaven, and thus something of intelligence, and should make these serve the evils which are of life; for they would apply in favor of evil the things that belong to intelligence, and thus would subject the things of heaven in them to those of hell; and also lest they should seduce simple upright spirits, with whom they would have communication through the truths.
Moreover, the evil in the other life with whom truths have not yet been falsified, know how to acquire dominion by their means, for there is irresistible power in truths (n. 3091, 6344, 6423, 6948). Thus they would also abuse the truths. Moreover, truths with the evil have not the slightest effect toward the amendment of their lives; they merely use them as means to do evil; apart from this use they cover them with ridicule. They are like those evil clergymen who ridicule the truths of doctrine, unless these can be made profitable to them. These are the reasons why the evil are permitted to falsify the truths that pertain to them.