(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 7560

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7560. And shall not be brought to the house. That this signifies which is not reserved, is evident from the signification of "not being brought to the house," as being not to be reserved; for the "house" denotes the interior natural mind where good is with truth, and also the rational mind, and thus the man himself (n. 3538, 4973, 5023, 7353); hence "to be brought to the house" denotes to be collected within, and there stored up. Good and truth are stored up within, and are there reserved by the Lord, even with the evil, in order that there may still be something human left; for man without these is not man, because the things stored up and reserved are good and truth, and by these man has communication with heaven; and insofar as man has communication with heaven, so far he is man. There is indeed a communication with heaven of the evil, even of those who are in hell, but no conjunction by good and truth; for as soon as good and truth flow down from heaven and come into hell, they are turned into evil and falsity, whence the conjunction is at once broken. Such is the communication. But although there is conjunction through the good and truth which are stored up and reserved in the interiors; yet the truths and goods in the interiors of those who are evil effect nothing more than to enable them to reason, and to think and speak from the sensuous, thus to confirm what is false and defend what is evil. Nothing more can be let out from the goods and truths stored up and reserved within them, for if more were let out, the truths and goods would perish, and thus nothing human would be left in them.


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