(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 7879

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7879. And there shall not be in you a plague for a destroyer. That this signifies that damnation from hell shall not flow in, is evident from the signification of "plague," as here being damnation, for this plague was the death of all the firstborn in Egypt, and that this denotes damnation, see n. 7778; and from the signification of "a destroyer," as being hell, which inflicts damnation. In regard to this, that hell inflicts damnation, the case is this. The devastation of the evil in the other life, and also their damnation, and likewise their being cast down into hell, does not come immediately from the spirit who is in evil, but from the hells. For the evils which are there all arise through an influx from the hells, and none without influx thence, and they arise according to the state of evil in which the spirits are who are being vastated and damned; and the state of evil arises in accordance with the privation of good and truth. In accordance with this state is effected communication with the hells; and the hells are most ready to inflict evil, for to inflict evil is the very delight of their life. Being of this character, the hells are kept shut by the Lord; for if they were opened, the whole human race would perish, because the hells continually breathe the destruction of all. That seventy thousand men perished by the pestilence on account of the numbering of the people by David (2 Sam. 24) and that a hundred and eighty and five thousand were slain in one night in the camp of the Assyrians (2 Kings 19:35) was wrought by the hells, because they were then opened. Similar effects would be produced at this day if they were to be opened; and therefore they are kept closely shut by the Lord. (That damnation from the hells cannot flow in with those who are kept by the Lord in good and truth, and that this is signified by "there shall not be in you a plague for a destroyer," see just above, n. 7878.)


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