806. Of all that was in the dry [land]. That this signifies those in whom there was no longer such life, and that their "dying" signifies that they expired, now follows from what has been shown. And because all the life of love and faith was extinguished, it is here said the "dry [land]." "Dry [land]" is where there is no water, that is, where there is no longer anything spiritual, still less celestial. A persuasion of falsity extinguishes and as it were suffocates everything spiritual and celestial; as everyone may know from much experience, if he pays attention. They who have once conceived opinions, though most false, cling to them so obstinately that they are not even willing to hear anything that is contrary to them; so that they never suffer themselves to be informed, even if the truth be placed before their eyes. Still more is this the case when they worship the false opinion from a notion of its sanctity. Such are they who spurn every truth, and that which they admit they pervert, and thus immerse in phantasies. It is they who are signified here by the "dry [land]" wherein there is no water and no grass. So in Ezekiel:
I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of evil men; and I will make the land desolate, and the fullness thereof (Ezek. 30:12).
To "make the rivers dry" signifies that there is no longer anything spiritual. And in Jeremiah:
Your land is become dry [land] (Jer. 44:22).
"Dry [land]" here denotes land that is desolated and laid waste, so that there is no longer anything of truth and good.