8078. And all that openeth of an ass thou shalt redeem with one of the flock. That this signifies that faith merely natural must not be ascribed to the Lord, but the truth of innocence which is therein, is evident from the signification of "that openeth," as being that which is born first from a regenerate one, that is, the firstborn, thus faith (that faith is the firstborn has been shown heretofore); and from the signification of "an ass," as being the natural, for by "an ass" is signified memory-knowledge (n. 5492, 5741), also service (n. 5958, 6389), thus also the natural, for memory-knowledges belong to the natural, and relatively to the spiritual the natural is service, consequently now by "that which openeth of an ass" is signified faith merely natural (of which presently); and from the signification of "redeeming" as being to give something else in its place. That "redeeming" has this signification is clear from the full meaning of the words, namely, of these, "that which openeth of an ass thou shalt not cause to pass over to Jehovah, but shalt redeem with one of the flock."
[2] That "to cause to pass over to Jehovah" denotes to ascribe to the Lord, in like manner as "to sanctify," and "to sacrifice," has been shown just above (n. 8074); thus "not to cause to pass over, but to redeem" denotes not to ascribe, but to give something else in its place. And from the signification of "one of the flock," as being the truth of innocence. That "one of the flock" denotes the truth of innocence, is because by "one of the flock" is meant a lamb or a kid, and by these is signified innocence (n. 3519, 3994, 7840), here, the truth of innocence, because it is not said "a lamb," or "a kid," but "one of the flock." From all this it is evident that by "all that openeth of an ass thou shalt redeem with one of the flock" is signified that faith merely natural must not be ascribed to the Lord, but the truth of innocence which is therein.
[3] Faith merely natural is faith which is insinuated by an external and not by an internal way, such as sensuous faith, which consists in believing a thing to be so because the eye has seen, and the hand has touched. This is the faith concerning which the Lord said to Thomas, "Because thou hast seen, Thomas, thou hast believed; blessed are they who do not see, and believe" (John 20:29); and also is like the faith of miracles, which consists in believing a thing to be so merely from the miracles, concerning which faith see above (n. 7290); as also the faith of authority, which consists in believing a thing to be so because another, in whom one has faith, has said it.
[4] But spiritual faith is that which is insinuated by an internal and at the same time by an external way; the insinuation by the internal way causes it to be believed, and then that which is insinuated by the external way causes it to be confirmed. The spiritual of faith is the affection of charity, and from this the affection of truth for the sake of good use and for the sake of life; these make faith to be spiritual. The insinuation of faith by the internal way is effected by the reading of the Word, and by enlightenment then from the Lord, which is granted according to the quality of the affection, that is, according to the end sought in knowing the truth.
[5] From all this it can now be seen what faith merely natural is; and that this faith, because it is not spiritual, cannot be ascribed to the Lord, that is, be acknowledged and believed to be from the Lord; for the Lord flows in through the affection of truth and good. (That faith is an internal affection, see n. 8034.) The truth of innocence, which can be in this faith and be accepted by the Lord, is that which from innocence is believed to be so. From all this it is now evident how it is to be understood that faith merely natural must not be ascribed to the Lord, but the truth of innocence which is therein.