(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 8206

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8206. And the waters were a wall to them on their right hand, and on their left. That this signifies that they were withheld from falsities on every side, is evident from the signification of "the waters" of that sea, as being falsities from evil (see n. 8137, 8138); from the signification of "were a wall to them," as being to be withheld from them (of which below); and from the signification of "on their right hand and on their left," as being on every side. That "to be a wall to them," when said of waters by which are signified falsities, denotes to be withheld from falsities, is because the case with man is this. When a man is kept by the Lord in good and truth, then falsities and evils are removed, and being removed they stand round like a wall, for they cannot enter into the sphere where good and truth are. The reason is, that in good and truth the Lord is present, and the presence of the Lord puts away evil and falsity on every side; for good and truth are absolutely opposite to evil and falsity, and therefore they cannot be together without one destroying the other. But indeed good with truth destroys, that is, removes, evil with falsity, because the former is Divine and consequently has all power, whereas the latter is infernal and consequently has no power. The former acts from things internal, but the latter from things external. When evils with falsities are removed in a man, they as before said stand round like a wall, and are in the perpetual endeavor to rush in; but this they cannot do, because the presence of the Lord, which is in good and truth, wards them off. This is what is signified by the waters being a wall unto them on their left hand and on their right. That man is withheld from evil and falsity by being kept in good and truth by the Lord, see n. 1581, 2406, 4564. But no one can be withheld from evil and kept in good, unless he has received this capacity by means of the exercise of charity in the world. This is effected by means of a life of good, or a life according to the truths of faith, consequently by means of the affection or love of good. He who by reason of his life has the love and affection of good, can be in the sphere of good and truth; but not he who by his life has put on a nature of evil.


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