8215. And He took off the wheel of his chariots. That this signifies the power of inflicting falsities taken away, is evident from the signification of "to take off," as being to take away; from the signification of "a wheel," as being the power of advancing (of which below); and from the signification of "the chariots of Pharaoh," as being doctrinal things of falsity (see n. 8146, 8148), thus falsities. What a "wheel" signifies in the genuine sense, can be seen from the signification of a "chariot." Chariots were of two kinds: there were chariots for conveying merchandise, and chariots for war. By chariots for conveying merchandise were signified doctrinal things of truth, and in the opposite sense doctrinal things of falsity; and by chariots for war were also signified doctrinal things in both senses, but fighting ones, thus the truths themselves, and the falsities themselves, prepared for war. From this it can be seen what is meant by "the wheel of a chariot," namely, the power of advancing, here of inflicting falsities and of fighting against truths. As this power belongs to man's intellectual part, by a "wheel" is also signified the intellectual part in respect to those things which are of doctrine.
[2] In the other life there frequently appear chariots laden with merchandise of various kinds; the chariots differ in form and size; and when they appear, there are signified by them truths in their complex, or doctrinal things, which are as it were receptacles of truth; and by the merchandise are signified knowledges of various use. These things appear when the angels discourse in heaven about doctrines; for as their discourse cannot be comprehended by those who are beneath, it is presented representatively, and as before said, to some by means of chariots, in which each and all things of the discourse are presented in a form, and before the eyes, from which the contents of the discourse can be comprehended and seen in a moment; some in the form of the chariot; some in its construction; some in its color; some in its wheels; some in the horses which draw it; some in the merchandise which the chariot conveys. It is from these representatives that "chariots" in the Word signify doctrinal things.
[3] From this it can in some measure be seen that by the "wheel of chariots" is signified the power of understanding; for as a chariot moves and goes forward by means of the wheels, so the truths which are of doctrinal things move forward by means of the understanding. This is also signified by "wheels" in Isaiah:
Whose arrows are sharp, and all the bows bent; the hoofs of his horses are accounted as rock; his wheels as a whirlwind (Isa. 5:28);
speaking of him who vastates truth: "arrows" denote falsities; and a "bow" the doctrine of falsity (n. 2686, 2709); "the hoofs of the horses" denote sensuous memory-knowledges from a perverted understanding (n. 7729); "wheels," the powers of perverting and destroying truths, like a whirlwind.
[4] In Ezekiel:
I saw the living creatures, when behold one wheel on the earth with the living creatures, beside the four faces thereof. The appearance of the wheels and their work was as the look of a beryl; and they four had the same likeness; moreover their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the midst of a wheel; where they went, they went upon their four squares; they turned not when they went. [As for] their circles, they had height and they had fear; moreover their circles were full of eyes round about for them four: thus when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them; the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels (Ezek. 1:15-20; also 10:9-17);
by the "four living creatures" which were cherubs, is signified the providence of the Lord (n. 308); by the "wheels," Divine intelligence, or foresight; from which it is said that "the wheels went together with the living creatures," and that "their circles were full of eyes," also that "the spirit of the living creature was in them," that is, the truth of wisdom.
[5] In Daniel:
I saw even until the thrones were cast forth, and the Ancient of days did sit: His garment like the white snow; the hair of His head like the clean wool; His throne flames of fire; His wheels burning fire (Dan. 7:9);
here "the Ancient of days" denotes the Lord as to Divine good; "the thrones cast forth" denote falsities; "His garment" denotes truth Divine in the external form; "the hair of His head" denotes good Divine in the external form; "His throne" denotes heaven and the church; the "wheels" denote the things of wisdom and of intelligence, thus truths Divine; "burning fire" denotes the things of love and charity.
Under the ten basins around the temple of Solomon there were also wheels of brass; the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot wheel; their hands, and their backs, and their tires, and their spokes, were all molten (1 Kings 7:30-33);
by these "basins" or "bases" were signified receptacles of the truth, by means of which a man is purified and regenerated; by the "wheels" were signified the intellectual powers, whereby is advancement.