(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 8234

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8234. And the sons of Israel went on the dry into the midst of the sea. That this signifies that they who were in the good of truth and the truth of good passed safely through that hell without infestation, is evident from what was unfolded above (n. 8185), where are the like words. It is said "in the good of truth and in the truth of good," and there is meant the spiritual church; for they who are of this church are first in the good of truth, and afterward in the truth of good; for at first they do what is good because the truth prescribes that it ought to be done, consequently from obedience; but afterward they do what is good from affection. Then they see truth from good and also do it. From this it is evident that before the man of the spiritual church receives a new will from the Lord, that is, before he has been regenerated, he does truth from obedience; but after he has been regenerated he does truth from affection, and then, to him, truth becomes good, because it is of the will. For to act from obedience is to act from the intellectual part; but to act from affection is to act from the will part. From this also it is that they who do truth from obedience are men of the external church; but they who do it from affection are men of the internal church. From all this it is evident that they who are of the spiritual church are meant when it is said "they who are in the good of truth and the truth of good."


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