8723. Verses 24-27. And Moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that he had said. And Moses chose men of strenuousness out of all Israel, and gave them as heads over the people: princes of thousands, princes of hundreds, princes of fifties, and princes of tens. And they shall judge the people in every time, the difficult word they shall bring unto Moses, and every small word they shall judge. And Moses let his father-in-law go, and he went to himself unto his own land.
"And Moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that he had said," signifies the effect according to the setting in order of Divine good; "and Moses chose men of strenuousness out of all Israel," signifies the choice of truths with which good could be conjoined among those who were of the spiritual church; "and gave them as heads over the people," signifies influx into these truths; "princes of thousands, princes of hundreds, princes of fifties, and princes of tens," signifies primary truths that are subordinate in successive order to the truth proceeding immediately from the Divine; "and they shall judge the people in every time," signifies their consequent perpetual dependence; "the difficult word they shall bring unto Moses," signifies mediation and intercession; "and every small word they shall judge," signifies the appearance of some particular and singular things as from another source; "and Moses let his father-in-law go," signifies a state of truth Divine accommodated; "and he went to himself unto his own land," signifies to the Divine Itself.