8979. If he is master* of a woman. That this signifies truth with delight conjoined, is evident from the signification of "master," as being truth (of which below) and from the signification of "a woman," as being good, but here delight (of which also below). That "a master" denotes truth, is because by "master" is here meant the manservant as the woman's man, and in the internal sense by a "manservant," as also by a woman's "man," is signified truth. (That truth is signified by "a manservant," see n. 8974; also that it is signified by "a man," n. 3134, 3309, 3459, 7716.) That "a woman" denotes delight is because by the woman of a man is signified in the internal sense good (n. 915, 2517, 4823, 6014, 8337). But as by a manservant from the Israelitish people is represented a man of the external church, who indeed has truth of doctrine, but not the corresponding good (n. 8974), because he does not do truth for the sake of truth, nor good for the sake of good, but that he may be recompensed; therefore in the truth and good which he does, there is the idea of self, and this idea does not belong to good, but to delight; for in the spiritual sense nothing is called "good" except that which belongs to love to the Lord and to love toward the neighbor. This good does indeed appear also as delight in the natural man; but it is the spiritual that is within it that makes it to be good.
[2] That it may be further known how the case is in regard to this, it is to be borne in mind that the man of the internal church acts from charity, thus from the affection which is of love toward the neighbor; whereas the man of the external church does not act from the good of charity, but from the truth of faith; thus not from the affection which is of love toward the neighbor, but from obedience, because it has been so commanded. It flows from this that the man of the internal church is free, but the man of the external church is relatively a servant; for he who acts from the affection which is of love, acts from freedom (n. 2870-2893); but he who acts from obedience does not act from freedom, for to obey is not freedom. This is the reason why he who acts from the good of charity is a true man of the spiritual church, and therefore in the Word is represented by Israel, whereas he who does not act from the good of charity, but from the truth of faith, is not a true man of the spiritual church, but is relatively his servant; and he was therefore represented by the manservant who was called a "Hebrew servant," because bought from the sons of Israel.
* "Master" is dominus all through this chapter. [REVISER]