9868. A chrysoprase, a sapphire, and a diamond. That hereby is signified the celestial love of truth, from which are the things which follow, is evident from the signification of these stones, as being the celestial love of truth (of which below). It is said that from this are the things which follow, because all the goods and truths that follow proceed in order from those which go before, for there cannot possibly be anything that is unconnected with the things that are prior to itself. The first in order is the celestial love of good; the second is the celestial love of truth; the third is the spiritual love of good; and the fourth is the spiritual love of truth. This order is what was represented in the rows of stones in the breastplate of judgment, and this is the very order of the goods and truths in the heavens. In the inmost heaven is the celestial love of good, and the celestial love of truth. The celestial love of good is its internal, and the celestial love of truth is its external. But in the second heaven is the spiritual love of good, which is its internal; and the spiritual love of truth, which is its external. The one also flows into the other in the same order, and they constitute as it were a one. From this it is evident what is meant by "from which are the things which follow."
[2] As regards the stones of this row, these, like the preceding stones, and also all the rest, derive their signification from their colors. (That precious stones have a signification according to their colors, see n. 9865; and that in the heavens colors are modifications of the light and shade there, thus that they are variegations of the intelligence and wisdom with the angels, n. 3993, 4530, 4677, 4742, 4922, 9466; for the light of heaven is the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord, whence come all intelligence and wisdom.) The stones of the first row signified the celestial love of good, from their redness; but the stones of this row partake of a blue which is from red. For there is a blue from red, and a blue from white; the blue from red inwardly glows from flame; and it is this blue which signifies the celestial love of truth; while the blue from white, such as is in the stones of the next row, which signifies the spiritual love of good, does not inwardly glow from flame, but from light.
[3] Whether the chrysoprase, which is the first stone of this row, was of a blue color, cannot be known from its derivation in the original tongue; but that it signifies the celestial love of truth is plain in Ezekiel:
Syria was thy trader by reason of the multitude of thy works; with chrysoprase, crimson, and broidered work (Ezek. 27:16);
speaking of Tyre, by which is signified wisdom and intelligence from the knowledges of good and truth (n. 1201). The chrysoprase is here joined with crimson, and as "crimson" signifies the celestial love of good (n. 9467), it follows that "the chrysoprase" signifies the celestial love of truth; for in the prophetic Word wherever good is treated of, truth of the same kind is also treated of, on account of the heavenly marriage in everything therein (n. 9263, 9314). Moreover, "Syria," which is "the trader," signifies the knowledges of good (n. 1232, 1234, 3249, 4112); and the knowledges of good are the truths of celestial love.
[4] That the sapphire, which is the second stone of this row, is of a blue color, such as is that of the sky, is known; wherefore it is said in the book of Exodus:
Seventy of the elders saw the God of Israel; and there was under His feet as a work of sapphire, and as the substance of heaven in respect to cleanness (Exod. 24:10).
(That this stone signifies what is translucent from interior truths, which are the truths of celestial love, may be seen above, n. 9407.)
[5] But that "the diamond," which is the third stone of this row, denotes the truth of celestial love, is from its transparency, which verges toward an inward blueness; for in this way the colors of the stones of this row, and also those of the former one, shine through this stone, because it is the last one, and communicate with those which are in the following row. The case is the same with the good and truths in the inmost heaven, in regard to the good and truths in the following heavens; for these derive their life of charity and of faith from the former by communication, as it were by a shining through.