(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 9940

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9940. To make them well-pleasing before Jehovah. That this signifies what is Divine of the Lord in them, is evident from the signification of "well-pleasing," when said of Jehovah, that is, the Lord, as being from His Divine, for that which is well- pleasing to the Lord is that which is from Him with man, spirit, or angel; for it is then in another, in whom it is looked at, and thus is well-pleasing. The things which are from the Lord are either nearer to, or more remote from Him; and they are said to be "from His will," "from good pleasure," "from leave," and "from permission." The things which are from will are most nearly from Him; those which are from good pleasure are somewhat more remotely from Him; those which are from leave still more remotely; and those which are from permission are most remotely from Him. These are the degrees of the influx and reception of the Divine. But each degree contains innumerable things which are distinct from those which are in any other degree; and these innumerable things are arcana of heaven, a few only of which fall into the human understanding. For instance, to take only those things which take place from permission, which, although they are in the last place, nevertheless on account of the numberless arcana therein cause a man to fall into confusion when he looks at them from the happenings of things in nature, and from appearances, and still more when from the fallacies of the senses. Yet the arcana of permission are comparatively few as compared with those of the higher degrees, which are the things that take place from leave, from good pleasure, and from will.


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