226. And the first voice which I heard, as of a trumpet speaking with me, said, Come up hither, signifies Divine influx, and thence an elevation of the mind, and then manifest perception. That "a voice," when heard from heaven, is the inflowing Divine truth may be seen above (n. 37, 50), thus Divine influx; and that by "a voice as of a trumpet," is signified manifest perception, may also be seen above (n. 37); and by "Come up hither," is signified elevation of the mind; for in the spiritual world, the higher anyone ascends, so much the more does he come into purer light, by which the understanding is by degrees opened, that is, the mind is elevated. Therefore it also follows, that he was then in the spirit, by which is meant that he was let into a spiritual state, in which the things which are in the heavens manifestly appear. The voice was heard "as of a trumpet," because it treats of the arrangement of the heavens for the Last Judgment; and voices as of a trumpet are heard in heaven when convocations and arrangements are made. Therefore also among the sons of Israel with whom all things were representative of heaven and the church, it was also commanded:
That they should make trumpets of silver, and that the sons of Aaron should sound them for the calling of assemblies, and for the journeyings, in days of rejoicing, in festivals, in the beginnings of months, over burnt offerings, for a memorial, and for war (Num. 10:1-10).
But we shall speak of "trumpets," and of "sounding" them, in the explanation of chap. 8, where the seven angels are mentioned, to whom were given seven trumpets.