242. And the second animal like a calf signifies the Divine truth of the Word as to affection. By the beasts of the earth are signified the various natural affections, for such indeed they are; and by "a calf," is signified the affection of knowing; in the spiritual world this affection is represented by a calf, therefore it is also signified by "a calf" in the Word, as in Hosea:
We will render unto Jehovah the calves of our lips (Hos. 14:2).
"Calves of the lips" are confessions from the affection of truth. In Malachi:
But unto you that fear My name, shall the sun of justice arise, and healing in his wings, that ye may grow up as fatted calves (Mal. 4:2).
They are compared to "fatted calves" because by them are signified those who are filled with the knowledges of truth and good from the affection of knowing them. In David:
The voice of Jehovah maketh the cedars of Lebanon to skip like a calf (Ps. 29:6).
By "the cedars of Lebanon" are signified the knowledges of truth; hence it is said that "the voice of Jehovah maketh them to skip like a calf." "The voice of Jehovah" is the Divine truth, here affecting.
[2] Since the Egyptians loved the sciences, they made to themselves calves as a sign of their affection for them; but afterwards they began to worship the calves as gods, then by them, in the Word, are signified the affections of knowing falsities as in Jeremiah (46:20, 21; Psalm 68:30); and in other places; therefore the same is signified by the calf which the sons of Israel made for themselves in the wilderness (Exodus 32); as also by the calves of Samaria (1 Kings 12:28-32; Hosea 8:5; 10:5). Therefore it is said in Hosea:
They make for themselves a molten image of silver, sacrificing a man, they kiss the calves (Hos. 13:2).
To "make for themselves a molten image of silver," signifies to falsify truth, "to sacrifice a man" signifies to destroy wisdom, and "to kiss calves" signifies to acknowledge falsities from affection. In Isaiah:
There shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down and consume the branches thereof (Isa. 27:10).
The same is signified by calf in Jeremiah 34:18-20.
[3] Since all Divine worship is from the affections of truth and good, and thence from the knowledge of them, therefore sacrifices, in which the worship of the church with the sons of Israel chiefly consisted, were made of various beasts, such as lambs, goats, kids, sheep, he-goats, calves, oxen; they were from calves, because they signified the affection of knowing truths and goods, which is the first natural affection. This is what was signified by "sacrifices of calves" (Exodus 29:11, 12; Leviticus 4:3, 13 and following verses; 8:14 and following verses; 9:2; 16:3; 23:18; Numbers 8:8 and following verses; 15:24; 28:19, 20; Judges 6:25-29; 1 Samuel 1:25; 16:2; 1 Kings 18:23-26, 33). The second animal appeared like a calf, because the Divine truth of the Word, which is signified by it, affects minds and thus instructs and imbues.