447. Verse 16. And the number of the armies of horsemen was two myriads of myriads, signifies reasonings concerning faith alone, with which the interiors of their minds were filled, from the abundance of mere falsities of evil. By "armies" are signified goods and truths; and, in the opposite sense, evils and falsities; here, the falsities of evil, of which below. By "horsemen" are signified reasonings concerning faith alone; because by "a horse" is signified the understanding of the Word (n. 298); and also the understanding of the Word destroyed (n. 305, 313, 320); therefore by "horsemen" are signified reasonings from the understanding of the Word destroyed; here, concerning faith alone; because they who are principled therein are treated of. By "two myriads of myriads" are not meant so many in number, but a great abundance; "two" are mentioned, because two are predicated of good, and, in the opposite sense, of evil (n. 322); and "myriads" are predicated of truths, and, in the opposite sense, of falsities (n. 287). Hence it may be seen that by "the number of the armies of horsemen, two myriads of myriads," are signified reasonings concerning faith alone, with which the interiors of their minds were filled, from the abundance of mere falsities of evil.
[2] That by "armies," in the Word, are signified the goods and truths of heaven and the church, and, in the opposite sense, evils and falsities, may appear from those places where the sun, moon, and stars are called "armies" (hosts); and by "the sun" is signified the good of love; by "the moon," the truth of faith; and by "the stars," the knowledges of good and truth; and the contrary, in the opposite sense (n. 51, 53, 332, 413); both the former and the latter are called "armies" (hosts), in these passages:
Praise Jehovah all His hosts, praise ye Him sun and moon, praise Him all stars (Ps. 148:2-3).
My hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their hosts have I commanded (Isa. 45:12).
By the Word of Jehovah were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth (Ps. 33:6).
The heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them (Gen. 2:1).
The horn of the he-goat grew even to the host of the heavens; and it cast down unto the earth from the host and from the stars; yea, it raised itself up even to the prince of the host: and the host was delivered to it on account of the continual sacrifice for transgression, because he cast down the truth to the earth: the Holy One said, How long is the holy place and the host given to be trodden down? (Dan. 8:10-14).
Jehovah uttered His voice before the army (Joel 2:11).
Upon the roofs of the houses they have offered incense to all the host of the heavens (Jer. 19:13).
Lest thou shouldst bow thyself down and serve the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the hosts of the heavens (Deut. 4:19; 17:3; Jer. 8:2; so too in Isa. 13:4; 34:4; 40:26; Jer. 33:22; Zech. 9:8; Rev. 19:14).
[3] Since the goods and truths of heaven and the church are signified by "the hosts (armies) of the heavens," the Lord is therefore called "Jehovah Zebaoth," that is, Jehovah of armies (hosts); and on this account the ministry of the Levites was called a military service (Numbers 4:3, 23, 30, 39); and it is said in David:
Bless Jehovah, all His hosts, His ministers that do His will (Ps. 103:21).
The evils and falsities in the church are signified by:
The army of the nations (Isa. 34:2).
The army of the king of the north with which he came against the king of the south (Dan. 11:13, 15, 20).
"The king of the north" is the falsity of evil in the church, and "the king of the south" is the truth of good therein. It is said by the Lord:
When ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, know that its devastation is near (Luke 21:20).
By "Jerusalem" the church is here signified, and by "armies" the evils and falsities which were devastating it. The consummation of the age is there treated of, which is the last time of the church. Evils and falsities are signified by armies in Joel:
I will recompense to you the years which the locust hath consumed, the canker worm, the caterpillar, and the palmer worm, the great army, which I have sent among you (Joel 2:25).
That by "the locust" and the rest falsity in outermost things is signified, may be seen above (n. 424).