(AR) - The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now

AR 45

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45. Clothed with a garment down to the foot, signifies the proceeding Divine, which is the Divine truth. The reason why "a garment down to the foot" signifies the proceeding Divine, which is the Divine truth, is, because garments in the Word, signify truths, thence "a garment down to the foot" [talaris], which is an outer garment, when the Lord is treated of, signifies the proceeding Divine truth. That garments in the Word signify truths is because in heaven they are clothed according to the truths proceeding from their good, concerning which see in the work on Heaven and Hell, published in London in the year 1758 (n. 177-182). In what follows it will also be seen, that nothing else is meant by garments in the Word in its spiritual sense; therefore that nothing else is meant by the Lord's garments, when He was transfigured, which appeared white as the light (Matt. 17:1-4; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36). Nor is anything else meant by the Lord's garments which the soldiers divided (John 19:23, 24). That similar things are represented, and thence signified, by the garments of Aaron, may be seen in The Arcana Coelestia, published at London (n. 9814, 10,068); particularly what is signified by "the ephod" (n. 9477, 9824, 10,005); what by "the robe" (n. 9825, 10,005); what by "the tunic" (n. 9826, 9942); and what by "the miter" (n. 9827): for Aaron represented the priestly office of the Lord. Concerning the signification of garments from the Word, see below (n. 166, 328).


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