526. And of giving reward to Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, signifies the happiness of eternal life to those who are in truths of doctrine from the Word, and in a life according to them. By "reward" is signified the happiness of eternal life, as will be seen presently; by "prophets" are signified they who are in truths of doctrine from the Word (n. 8, 133); and by "saints" they who are in a life according to them (n. 173). By "reward" is here meant the happiness of eternal life, arising from the delight and pleasantness of the love and affection of good and truth; for every affection of love has its accompanying delight and pleasantness, and the affection of the love of good and truth has a delight and pleasantness such as the angels of heaven have; and all affection continues with man after death. The reason is, because affection is of the love, and love is the life of man, therefore the life of everyone after death is such as his ruling love had been in the world; and the ruling love of truth and good is with those who have loved the truths of the Word, and have lived according to them. Nothing else but the delight of good and the pleasantness of truth is meant by "reward" in the following passages:
Behold the Lord Jehovah will come in strength; behold, His reward is with him (Isa. 40:10; 62:11).
Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me (Rev. 22:12).
My judgment is with Jehovah, and the reward of my work is with my God (Isa. 49:4).
For I Jehovah love judgment, I will give the reward of their work (Isa. 61:8).
Do good hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great; and ye shall be the sons of the Highest (Luke 6:35).
And in other places; as in Jer. 31:15-17; Matt. 2:18; 5:3-12; 10:41-42; Mark 9:41; Luke 6:22-23; 14:12-14; John 4:35-36.