56. Saying unto me, Fear not, signifies resuscitation, and then adoration from the deepest humiliation. That it is resuscitation to life, is a consequence of what went before (n. 55); and that it is adoration from the deepest humiliation, is evident, for he fell at the Lord's feet. And as a holy fear seized him, the Lord said, on his being resuscitated, "Fear not." Holy fear, which sometimes is joined with a sacred tremor of the interiors of the mind, and sometimes with horripilation, supervenes, when life enters from the Lord in place of one's own life. One's own life is to look from one's self to the Lord, but life from the Lord is to look from the Lord to the Lord and yet as if from himself. When man is in this latter life, he sees that he himself is not anything, but the Lord only. Daniel also was in this holy fear, when:
He saw the man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz, his body like the beryl, his face like lightning, his eyes like torches of fire, his arms and feet as the splendor of polished brass, upon seeing whom Daniel also became as dead, and a hand touched him, and it was said, Fear not, Daniel (Dan. 10:5-12).
Something similar occurred to Peter, James, and John, when the Lord was transfigured, and was seen:
As to His face like the sun, and His garments as the light, upon which they also fell upon their faces, and feared for themselves greatly, and then Jesus coming near, touched them, saying, Fear not ye (Matt. 17:2, 6-7).
The Lord also said unto the women who saw Him at the sepulcher, Fear not (Matt. 28:10).
Likewise the angel, whose face appeared like lightning, and his garment as snow, said unto those women, Fear not ye (Matt. 28:3-5).
The angel said to Zechariah also, Fear not (Luke 1:12-13).
In like manner the angel said to Mary, Fear not (Luke 1:30).
The angels said to the shepherds also, when the glory of the Lord shone round about them, Fear not (Luke 2:9-10).
A similar holy fear seized Simon, by reason of the draught of fishes; therefore he said:
Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord; but Jesus said unto him, Fear not (Luke 5:8-10; besides other places).
These are adduced that it may be known why the Lord said to John, "Fear not," and that by it is meant resuscitation, and then adoration from the deepest humiliation.