625. For they are spotless before the throne of God, signifies because they are in truths from good from the Lord. By "spotless" are signified those who are not in falsities, consequently who are in truths; for "spots" signify falsities, properly falsities from evil; by "the throne of God" is signified the Lord and heaven (n. 14, 233); and as all who are in good from the Lord, appear as if they were in truths, therefore by "they are spotless before the throne of God" is signified that they are in truths from good from the Lord. For all who are led by the Lord are kept by Him in good, and from that good there proceeds nothing but truth; and if a falsity does proceed from it, it is an apparent falsity, which is regarded by the Lord as like truth, only by the modification of the light of heaven it is in another color; for the good that is within it, so qualifies it; for there is given falsity from evil, and also falsity from good; both may appear alike in the external form, but still they are altogether dissimilar, because that which is within makes the essence, and produces its quality. Since "spots" signify falsities, therefore:
It was forbidden that anyone of the seed of Aaron in whom there was a spot, should approach the altar, and enter within the veil (Lev. 21:17, 23).
By this was signified that they should be spotless.
And also it was forbidden that any sacrifice should be offered of oxen, calves, sheep, goats or lambs, on which there was a spot (Lev. 22:19-25).
The spots are also enumerated.