(AR) - The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now

AR 844

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844. Until a thousand years were finished, and after that he must be loosed a little time, signifies that this is for a while or for some time, until they are taken up by the Lord into heaven who were in truths from good; after which they who are meant by "the dragon" were to be loosed for a short time, and a communication opened between them and the rest. The reason why "until a thousand years were finished" signifies for awhile or for some time, is because by "a thousand years" are not signified a thousand years, but a little while or some time, as above (n.842). "He must be loosed a little, "signifies that after that they who are here meant by "the dragon," as above, are to be released from their confinement, and that then a communication is to be opened between them and the rest; that this is what is signified, is evident from what has been said above, thus from the series of things, and from their connection with what follows, in the spiritual sense. What now follows (from vers. 4-6) treats of those who were taken up by the Lord into heaven, on whose account the dragon was removed and shut up.


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