187. This makes clear why the Lord called Himself the temple at Jerusalem (John 2:19, 21),# namely, because the temple represented His Divine Human; also why the New Jerusalem was seen to be of pure gold, its gates of pearls, and its foundations of precious stones (Apoc. 21), namely, because the New Jerusalem signifies the church which was afterwards to be established, the twelve gates its truths leading to good, and the foundations the truths on which the church is founded.##
# In the highest sense "the house of God" signifies the Lord's Divine Human in respect to Divine good, and "the temple" the same in respect to Divine truth; and in a relative sense, heaven and the church in respect to good and truth (n. 3720).
## "Jerusalem" signifies the church in which is genuine doctrine (n. 402, 3654, 9166).
"Gates" signify introduction to the doctrine of the church, and through doctrine introduction into the church (n. 2943, 4477, 4478).
"Foundation" signifies the truth on which heaven, the church, and doctrine are founded (n. 9643).