(HH) - Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen

HH 251

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251. The influx of the Lord Himself into man is into his forehead, and from that into the whole face, because the forehead of man corresponds to love, and the face corresponds to all his interiors.# The influx of spiritual angels into man is into his head every where, from the forehead and temples to the whole part that contains the cerebrum, because that region of the head corresponds to intelligence; but the influx of celestial angels is into that part of the head that contains the cerebellum, and is called the occiput, from the ears all around even to the neck, for that region corresponds to wisdom. All the speech of angels with man enters by these ways into his thought; and by this means I have perceived what angels they were that spoke with me.
# The "forehead" corresponds to heavenly love, and consequently in the Word signifies that love (n. 9936).
The "face" corresponds to the interiors of man, which belong to thought and affection (n. 1568, 2988 2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306).
The face is formed to correspondence with the interiors (n. 4791-4805, 5695).
Consequently the "face," in the Word, signifies the interiors (n. 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796).


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