(ML) - Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love

ML 19

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19. Towards evening, a courier, clothed in linen, came to the ten visiting companions of the angel and invited them to a wedding to be celebrated the following day, and the visitors greatly rejoiced that they were also to see a wedding in heaven. After this, they were taken to one of the privy councilors and supped with him. After supper, they returned and separated, each to his own chamber, and slept until morning. Then on awaking, they heard from the houses around the public place the singing of young women and girls mentioned above. It was the affection of conjugial love that was then being sung. Deeply affected and moved by its sweetness, they perceived a blessed pleasantness implanted in their joys, exalting and renewing them.
When the time arrived, the angel said, "Make ready and put on the garments of heaven which our prince has sent you." And when they put them on, lo! the garments shone as with a flaming light. They then asked the angel as to the cause of this. He replied: "Because you are going to a wedding. At such times our garments are resplendent and become wedding garments."


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