242. VII. THAT OF THE INTERNAL CAUSES OF COLD, THE THIRD IS THAT THE ONE HAS ONE RELIGION AND THE OTHER ANOTHER. The reason is because with such partners, good cannot be conjoined with its corresponding truth; for, as shown above, the wife is the good of the husband's truth, and he is the truth of the wife's good. Hence, from the two souls there cannot be made one soul; consequently, the fountain from which that love springs is closed, and with this closed they come into a conjugial which has a lower seat, being the conjugial of good with another truth than its own, or of truth with another good, and between these there is no concordant love. Thence with the partner who is in falsities of religion begins cold, and this is intensified as the one departs farther away from the other.
Once when going through the streets of a great city, seeking a place of abode, I entered a house where dwelt married partners who were of diverse religions. While I was still unaware of this, angels addressed me and said, "We cannot stay with you in this house because the partners there are in discordant religions." They perceived this from the internal disunion of their souls.